Monday, November 12, 2007


My. life. is. busy. Keeping up with schooling, some data entry side work, normal home stuff, church stuff, it's getting to be quite a bit! We are blessed. We could be bored. ;)

I wish I had more to post about, but I made an entry on my food blog and that's about all I have time for. So, instead I will leave you a great link to my hubby's blog. He has a great video up about speaking with conviction. So many people today will not just say what they mean. Know what I mean? ;) Just watch. It's great.

Maybe some day I will get into the regular blogging thing. We'll see. :)


HsKubes said...

Busy can be a good thing sometimes. ;o)
I wanted to say thank you for your words of encouragement and for your prayers. They were a blessing. ;o)

~ Christina

Denise Bryant said...

Yeah, life is like that. busy. all the time. I think if I wasn't busy I would be bored, so I suppose we should be thankful for our busy lives!